Outdoor enthusiasts in the Mid Atlantic states will notice a number of new changes for the 2024 outdoor season.
Mid Atlantic Fishing New Information – Updates
To address regional changes, several new pages have been added to www.daybreakfishing.com.
A new Offshore Wind Energy Installations page provides information about wind farms and other infrastructure in the Mid Atlantic region.
The marine electronics section has been updated to include a new page with information about AIS – Automatic Identification Systems.
Our Monongahela River page has been updated to include information about recent fish reef construction on the river.
In September, the State of New York announced the completion of the Staten Island Living Breakwaters.
Fishing regulations changed and down the coast, especially regulations pertaining to summer flounder and striped bass fisheries.
Saltwater Fishing
Summer Flounder
Summer flounder are one of the most popular recreational fish on the Atlantic coast. In 2022, recreational landings were 8.6 million pounds, according to the NOAA Fisheries recreational fishing landings database.
According to the 2023 stock assessment, summer flounder is not overfished, but is subject to overfishing.
In December 2023, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) and Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) approved the use of regional conservation equivalency to achieve the required 28% reduction in recreational harvest of summer flounder in 2024-2025.
Mid-Atlantic States will set recreational limits in order to achieve the required reduction. They include an annual harvest limit, closed seasons, a minimum size for landed fish, and possession limits.
In March, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) Division of Fish and Wildlife announced changes to recreational fishing regulations for summer flounder as required to keep the state in compliance with the Fishery Management Plans of the ASMFC and MAFMC.
For summer flounder, the size limit will remain at 16 inches from January 1 through May 31, with the size limit increasing to 17.5 inches from June 1 through December 31. The daily summer flounder possession limit will remain at four throughout the year.
In February, Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced modifications to the Maryland 2024 summer flounder fishery:
Effective 12:01 a.m. March 1, 2024:
The season is open January 1 through December 31, 2024.
The recreational minimum size from January 1 through May 31 is 16 inches.
The recreational minimum size from June 1 through December 31 is 17.5 inches.
The recreational catch limit is four fish per person per day.
The commercial hook and line minimum size from January 1 through May 31 is 16 inches.
The commercial hook and line minimum size June 1 through December 31 is 17.5 inches.
The commercial minimum size for gear other than hook and line is 14 inches.
Striped Bass
Currently, Atlantic striped bass is managed under Amendment 7 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan.
In January 2024, the ASFMC Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board approved Addendum II to Amendment 7 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Atlantic Striped Bass.
The Addendum modifies recreational and commercial measures to reduce fishing mortality in 2024, establishes an expedited response process to upcoming stock assessments, and addresses requirements for recreational filleting.
Addendum II builds upon the 2023 emergency action by changing the measures in the FMP to reduce fishing mortality and support stock rebuilding. Addendum II measures will replace the emergency action measures upon its implementation by the states by May 1, 2024.
For the ocean recreational fishery, the Addendum implements a 28” to 31” slot limit, 1-fish bag limit, and maintains 2022 season dates for all fishery participants; this maintains the same ocean recreational measures adopted under the recent emergency action.
For the Chesapeake Bay recreational fishery, the Addendum implements a 19” to 24” slot limit, 1-fish bag limit, and maintains 2022 season dates for all fishery participants.
For the commercial fishery, the Addendum reduces commercial quotas by 7% in both the ocean and Chesapeake Bay.
To address concerns about recreational filleting allowances and compliance with recreational size limits, the Addendum establishes two requirements for states that authorize at-sea/shore-side filleting of striped bass: racks must be retained and possession limited to no more than two fillets per legal fish.
More information about Addendum II can be found on the ASMFC website (www.asmfc.org).
In February, The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) announced a closure of the 2024 striped bass harvest season in the Roanoke River Management Area. The Roanoke River Management Area includes the Roanoke River and tributaries from the Roanoke Rapids Lake Dam downstream to the Albemarle Sound.
In February, striped bass emergency regulations initiated by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) became effective. The emergency regulations extend periods of closure to recreational striped bass fishing in the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake Bay.
In 2023, Maryland’s annual striped bass young-of-year index, which tracks reproductive success, was 1.0, well below the long-term average of 11.1.
On March 26th the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) voted to make changes to the Virginia recreational and commercial striped bass fisheries. The new spring and fall recreational striped bass slot limit will be 19-24 inches, and the bag limit and seasons will remain the same as in 2023. The Virginia Potomac River tributaries season has been updated to mirror the season in the main stem of the Potomac River set by PRFC. The open season for the Potomac River tributaries summer/fall striped bass recreational fishery will be May 16 through July 6 and August 21 through December 31, the slot size limit will be 19-24 inches. For Virginia recreational striped bass information, visit mrc.virginia.gov.
In October, ASMFC released the 2024 Atlantic Striped Bass Stock Assessment Update.
Key findings included:
In 2023, the Atlantic striped bass stock was overfished. Fishing mortality was above the F target, but below the F threshold, indicating overfishing was not occurring.
Total removals from 2022-2023 averaged 6.18 million fish, a 20% increase from 2021, the terminal year of the last assessment. From 2022-2023, recreational release mortality made up 40% of total removals, with recreational harvest making up 49%, commercial harvest making up 10%, and commercial discards making up 0.5% of the total.
This is a change from 2018-2021, where recreational release mortality made up 50% of total removals and recreational harvest accounted for 37%.
In December, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) announced the 2024 Hudson River striped bass young-of-year survey results. The 2024 survey results depict a second consecutive year of poor juvenile production in the Hudson River.
The index value, which provides an estimate of annual juvenile production for striped bass in the Hudson River, is generated through a beach seine survey at 13 sites in the lower Hudson River conducted bi-weekly from July to November.
The 2024 value for the DEC’s Hudson River striped bass young-of-year index was 7.85 fish per haul. This value is below the long-term average, and for the second consecutive year, survey values were below the 25th percentile.
Red Drum
The ASFMC 2024 Red Drum Benchmark Stock Assessment and Peer Review Report indicates the northern stock of red drum (New Jersey through North Carolina) is not overfished and not experiencing overfishing, while the southern stock (South Carolina through the east coast of Florida) is overfished and experiencing overfishing.
A benchmark cobia assessment is scheduled for 2024.
In December 2023, the ASMFC and MAFMC jointly approved management measures requiring member states of both panels to reduce the scup recreational harvest by 10% for 2024 and 2025.
In Delaware, the daily possession limit for scup is reduced from 40 to 30.
Blueline Tilefish
During the December Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Meeting (MAFMC), a representative from NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement reported that a New Jersey based recreational vessel operator was recently issued a $500 fine for possession of a blueline tilefish without the required permit.
The MAMFC published a permit reminder to anglers who own or operate a private recreational vessel and target tilefish from Virginia northward.
Anglers must have a recreational tilefish permit and submit a trip report within 24 hours of returning to port from any trip where tilefish were targeted (even if none were caught or kept). The permit is free and can be obtained through NOAA’s Fish Online website. Visit the MAFMC Recreational Tilefish Permitting and Reporting page for more information and resources.
Freshwater Fishing
New York
On June 21, 2024, Chuck Zimmerman of Hilton, Monroe County, set a New York state record with a 15-pound, 14-ounce longnose gar from Butterfield Lake in Jefferson County.
On July 11, 2024. James Britenbaugh of Pennsylvania caught a New York state a 12-pound, 6-ounce largemouth bass from Cayuga Lake, while scouting the waterway for an upcoming bass tournament.
Britenbaugh’s catch surpasses the previous 37-year-old State record largemouth bass, caught from Buckhorn Lake in 1987, by one pound and two ounces.
In September 2024, a New York state record smallmouth bass was caught from the St. Lawrence River. Dante Piraino landed the 9 pound smallmouth bass from while fishing in a bass tournament hosted in the city of Ogdensburg.
New Jersey
Frank Hubert set New Jersey state record for bowfin on December 17, 2024. Hubert’s bowfin weighed 12 pounds, 10-ounces. The monster fish was caught in Mantua Creek.
In April 2024, Christopher Barrett, caught a Pennsylvania state record white perch from the Delaware River. Weighing 2 pounds, 1 ounce, Barret’s fish exceeded the previous state record by five ounces. The record breaking perch measured 14.125 inches long with a girth of 12.25 inches.
Steven Smedley II set a new Delaware state record for northern snakehead with a 13-pound, 6.56 ounce monster caught in the Nanticoke River.
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) released its Black Bass Annual Review 2024.
Topics covered in the review include:
- A Black Bass Conservation Fund was created to receive public donations that will be used in bass conservation projects throughout the state.
- Black Blotchiness Syndrome, an immune response to a newly discovered adomavirus, is widespread east of the Rocky Mountains, including many areas of Maryland.
- After three years of stocking and better habitat, the smallmouth bass population in non-tidal Potomac River makes a comeback.
- Largemouth bass fisheries remain highly productive in upper Chesapeake Bay and gain attention for an increasing number of bass tournaments.
- Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia working in 2024 to continue cooperative, long-term monitoring project that depends on anglers for its success.
During the 2024 spawning season, which ran from March to June, more than 18,000 pounds of invasive fish were removed from from the fish lift at Conowingo Dam in Maryland. Species prevented from passing upstream of the dam include 2,106 northern snakehead; 746 flathead catfish; and 36 blue catfish. The number of northern snakeheads removed at the dam was more than double the amount removed in any year since the program began in 2021.
In January, 2024, Thomas Over Jr. caught a 1 pound rock bass in the lower Susquehanna River, tying the Maryland state record – Chesapeake Division for the species.
Two Virginia freshwater fishing state record catches were broken in 2024.
A new record for fallfish was set with a 3-pound, 12-ounce fallfish caught in the Cowpasture River on June 10, 2024.
A 14-pound, 12-ounce rainbow trout caught in Spring Creek on June 9, 2024 set a new state record for the species.
West Virginia
New West Virginia fishing regulations are in effect for 2024. Updates include changes to regulations regarding sauger and saugeye limits, blue catfish minimum size limits and channel catfish possession limits.
WVDNR also announced the creation of new state record fish categories for black crappie, redbreast sunfish, redear sunfish, pumpkinseed sunfish, and redhorse suckers.
In February, Zach Adkins caught a West Virginia state record 9.29-inch, 9.1-ounce redbreast sunfish on Creek Lake (Dam 14). In 2022, Adkins became the first angler to receive the WVDNR’s Master Angler Award.
Also in February, Nathaniel Smith set a state record with the catch of a 26.73-inch, 11.98-pound tiger trout from the shoreline of New Creek Lake (Dam 14). Smith’s record tiger trout broke the weight record previously held by Mike Connolly, whose fish weighed 10.65 pounds and was 28.7 inches long. Connolly, who caught his fish in Krodel Lake in 2011, retains the record for length.
In March, a state record 10.60-pound, 30.20-inch bowfin, was caught and released by Lauren Noble. Noble’s catch surpasses the previous weight record holder, a 9.25-pound bowfin caught by Matt Stender in 2006. Donald Newcomb III continues to hold the 32.25-inch length record he established in 1994.
In July 2024, John Tyler Rutherford caught a 43.51-inch, 46.70-pound channel catfish in his father’s farm pond, breaking the West Virginia length record set in 2022 and the weight record set in 2023. Both records previously were held by Alan Burkett of Moorefield in Hardy County, who caught his fish at South Mill Creek Lake in Grant County.
On August 8, two anglers fishing together caught West Virginia state record black crappie, setting records for both length and weight. Lindell Marker caught a 17.36-inch black crappie, surpassing the previous length record of 17.32 inches set by Craig Webb, also at Woodrum Lake. Marker’s catch tied the existing weight record of 2.85 pounds, also held by Webb. Later the same morning, Dwight Priestley 17.76 inch, 3.15 pound black crappie that surpassed Marker’s shortly-held record and set new records for length and weight.
In November 2024, Teresa Croy set a new Ohio state record for white crappie. Caught in an Ohio pond, the record breaking crappie weighed 3.91 pounds and measured 18.5 inches in length.
Croy’s catch replaces the previous state record set on April 25, 1995, when Kyle Rock caught a 3.90-pound White Crappie, also measuring 18.5 inches, from a private pond.
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