Located at the northern tip of Long Island, Montauk Point is home to New York’s largest commercial and recreational fishing fleet. Montauk is the home port for a variety of fishing charter boats, guides, tour boats, and other service providers.
Montauk also supports a fleet of offshore fishing vessels that specialize in tuna, dolphin fish, wahoo, blue marlin, white marlin, spearfish, swordfish, pelagic sharks, and other species. Offshore fishing boats out of Montauk travel to deep ocean wrecks, dump sites, Cox Ledge, Hudson Canyon, and other areas.
The inshore waters around Montauk attract striped bass, weakfish, fluke, winter flounder, bluefish, scup (porgy), tautog (blackfish), croaker, spot, sharks, bonito, and others. Nearby, ocean waters sustain a variety of bottom species including cod, haddock, pollock, hake, whiting, and black sea bass.
One of Montauk’s the most famous inshore fishing areas is known as “The Race” where converging tides from the Atlantic and Block Island Sound create strong rips. The area attracts striped bass, bluefish, fluke, and other species.
Montauk is also noted as one of the best areas in New York for surf fishing. Public access for surf fishing is available at Montauk Point State Park.